Here is another article that I read as I browsed through the links and articles of R.G. Srinivasan, a Certified Trainer, Writer and Author with more than twenty years of managerial experience. He has a blog on home-business resources at Through this article, we gain knowledge on how to set our goals the SMART way.
How do you direct your activities and your time around your goals? Start by setting SMART Goals. SMART is an acronym to guide your efforts.
Specific: "I will contact 3 past clients a day" instead of "I will keep in touch with past clients this month."
Measurable: In order to evaluate how you are doing, you need some measure of your success. How many listing sales do you need this month? This year? This week? How many listings do you have to take this month? How many listing appointments do you have to go on this week?
Attainable: The goal should be something that is challenging but also within your ability to achieve. Is it possible to make 20 calls to past clients in a day, or is 3-5 a better number?
Realistic: Know your limitations and be realistic about what you can accomplish. You can set a goal of writing 10 contracts this week. But if you only have one A-Buyer lead, and no active listings, how realistic is that goal?
Time-bound: Set a start date and a completion date. Then, you can set another goal when you have accomplished the first one. If you are going to concentrate on developing an expired listing plan that really works, set up a time that you will complete that process and when you are going to begin the program.
One very important rule to remember in both Time Management and Goal Setting is to write things down! A goal that is not written down is not a goal, it is a wish. An activity that is not written down and scheduled into your daily plan is a suggestion, not a priority.
Setting goals takes time and organization. However, going through your day reacting to the moment and doing only the things that come at you as urgent is a sure fire way to not manage your time effectively and not hit your goals. Isn't it worth it to spend your time going after what will really make a difference?
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